Mandatos de visitas pastorales y otras noticias en los Quinque Libri de la Comunidad de Daroca (1531-1791)
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Mandatos de visitas pastorales y otras noticias en los Quinque Libri de la Comunidad de Daroca (1531-1791)
Gómez de Valenzuela, Manuel
RESUMEN: A partir del siglo XV los obispos, por sí mismos o por delegados suyos, giraban visitas de inspección a las parroquias de su diócesis. En un principio se limitaban a comprobar el estado material de los templos y sus patrimonios inmuebles (templo, vivienda del párroco) y muebles: ornamentos litúrgicos, libros, cálices, custodias y platería varia, pero a partir del concilio de Trento estas visitas pastorales se ocuparon también de las costumbres de clero y fieles, buscando su reforma y la erradicación de excesos y corruptelas, mediante “mandatos” de obligado cumplimiento por curas y laicos. En este trabajo se han recopilado 79 de estos mandatos, referidos a la Comunidad de aldeas de Daroca, en que, además de los mandatos propiamente dichos, se transcriben seis “memorias” o noticias de interés que los párrocos hicieron constar en los Quinque Libri parroquiales. Estas fuentes, hasta ahora poco utilizadas, revisten gran interés para el conocimiento de la realidad social y las costumbres durante los dos siglos y medio que abarca esta antología.
SUMMARY: From the fifteenth century the bishops, by themselves or by their delegates, made inspection visits to the parishes of their diocese. At first they were limited to checking the material state of the temples and their immovable assets (temple, parish priest’s house) and movables: liturgical vestments, books, chalices, monstrances and various silverware, but after the Council of Trent these pastoral visits also dealt with the
customs of the clergy and faithful, seeking their reform and the eradication of excesses and corruption, through mandatory “mandates” for priests and laity. In this work, 79 of these mandates have been compiled, referring to the Community of villages of Daroca, in which, in addition to the mandates themselves, six “memoirs” or news of interest that the parish priests recorded in the parish Quinque Libri are transcribed. These sources, little used until now, are of great interest for the knowledge of social reality and customs during the two and a half centuries covered by this antholog
SUMMARY: From the fifteenth century the bishops, by themselves or by their delegates, made inspection visits to the parishes of their diocese. At first they were limited to checking the material state of the temples and their immovable assets (temple, parish priest’s house) and movables: liturgical vestments, books, chalices, monstrances and various silverware, but after the Council of Trent these pastoral visits also dealt with the
customs of the clergy and faithful, seeking their reform and the eradication of excesses and corruption, through mandatory “mandates” for priests and laity. In this work, 79 of these mandates have been compiled, referring to the Community of villages of Daroca, in which, in addition to the mandates themselves, six “memoirs” or news of interest that the parish priests recorded in the parish Quinque Libri are transcribed. These sources, little used until now, are of great interest for the knowledge of social reality and customs during the two and a half centuries covered by this antholog
Centro de Estudios del Jiloca
Referencia bibliográfica
Xiloca, nº 50, p. 11-48
Cobertura espacial
Comunidad de Daroca
Cobertura espacial
Gómez de Valenzuela, Manuel, “Mandatos de visitas pastorales y otras noticias en los Quinque Libri de la Comunidad de Daroca (1531-1791),” El Baúl de la Memoria del Jiloca, consulta 14 de octubre de 2024,