El Parque Agrícola de los Secanos del Jiloca. Una experiencia educativa / Chabier de Jaime Lorén, Isabel Herrer Mambrona y Loreto Riveira Vizoso
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El Parque Agrícola de los Secanos del Jiloca. Una experiencia educativa / Chabier de Jaime Lorén, Isabel Herrer Mambrona y Loreto Riveira Vizoso
Jaime Lorén, Chabier
Herrer Mambrona, Isabel
Riveira Vizoso, Loreto
RESUMEN: Se describe un proyecto educativo realizado en el IES Valle del Jiloca (Calamocha, Aragón) con estudiantes de 4º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y 1º de Bachillerato consistente en cultivar en terrenos del colegio todos los cultivos agrícolas de plantas herbáceas de secano que son propios de este territorio con el fin de identificar las diferentes especies, seguir su desarrollo y aplicar técnicas agronómicas.
ABSTRACT: An educational project carried out in the IES Valle del Jiloca (Calamocha, Aragón) with fifteen and sixteen years old students is described, consisting of cultivating on school grounds all the agricultural crops of rainfed herbaceous plants that are typical of this territory. The main aim of the project consists in identifying the different plant species, their development and growth as well as how
to apply agronomic techniques can be applied to cultivate them.
ABSTRACT: An educational project carried out in the IES Valle del Jiloca (Calamocha, Aragón) with fifteen and sixteen years old students is described, consisting of cultivating on school grounds all the agricultural crops of rainfed herbaceous plants that are typical of this territory. The main aim of the project consists in identifying the different plant species, their development and growth as well as how
to apply agronomic techniques can be applied to cultivate them.
Centro de Estudios del Jiloca
Referencia bibliográfica
Xiloca, nº 50, p. 189-209
Cobertura espacial
Cobertura espacial
Jaime Lorén, Chabier, Herrer Mambrona, Isabel, y Riveira Vizoso, Loreto, “El Parque Agrícola de los Secanos del Jiloca. Una experiencia educativa / Chabier de Jaime Lorén, Isabel Herrer Mambrona y Loreto Riveira Vizoso,” El Baúl de la Memoria del Jiloca, consulta 18 de septiembre de 2024, http://elbauldelamemoria.org/items/show/3420.