Memorias de la Guerra Civil en Tornos (1936-1939)
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Memorias de la Guerra Civil en Tornos (1936-1939)
Luna Calvo, M. Pilar
RESUMEN. Perdida toda la documentación fechada en Tornos sobre la guerra civil española del siglo XX (1936-1939), se ha intentado reconstruir la vida en el pueblo, relatar las experiencias de algunos combatientes y la mentalidad protectora de los vecinos, que consideraban que la libertad de ideología constituye un derecho fundamental del ser humano.
ABSTRACT. Once all the documentation dated in Tornos on the 20th century Spanish civil war (1936-1939) has been lost, an attempt has been made to rebuild life in the town, relate the experiences of some combatants and the protective mentality of the neighbors, who considered that freedom of ideology constitutes a fundamental right of the human being.
ABSTRACT. Once all the documentation dated in Tornos on the 20th century Spanish civil war (1936-1939) has been lost, an attempt has been made to rebuild life in the town, relate the experiences of some combatants and the protective mentality of the neighbors, who considered that freedom of ideology constitutes a fundamental right of the human being.
Centro de Estudios del Jiloca
Referencia bibliográfica
Xiloca, nº 48, p. 87-110
Cobertura espacial
Cobertura espacial
Luna Calvo, M. Pilar, “Memorias de la Guerra Civil en Tornos (1936-1939),” El Baúl de la Memoria del Jiloca, consulta 14 de octubre de 2024,