Joaquín Guitarte: Cirujano y escritor decimonónico de la comarca del Jiloca
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Joaquín Guitarte: Cirujano y escritor decimonónico de la comarca del Jiloca
Jaime Lorén, José María
RESUMEN: La favorable coyuntura económica y la mayor libertad que empieza a disfrutarse en España en el último tercio del siglo XIX estimulará hasta comienzos del XX un notable desarrollo del periodismo médico. En este contexto médicos, cirujanos, farmacéuticos y veterinarios del mundo rural crearán numerosos periódicos profesionales o enviarán sin complejos sus artículos a las revistas científicas del momento. El cirujano turolense Joaquín Guitarte será uno de los más destacados.
ABSTRACT: The favorable economic situation and the greater freedom that began in Spain during the last third of the 19th century stimulated a remarkable development of medical journalism until the beginning of the 20th century. In this context, doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, and veterinarians from rural environments created numerous professional journals and sent their scientific papers to the scientific journals at the time. The Teruel surgeon, Joaquín Guitarte was one of the most prominent.
ABSTRACT: The favorable economic situation and the greater freedom that began in Spain during the last third of the 19th century stimulated a remarkable development of medical journalism until the beginning of the 20th century. In this context, doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, and veterinarians from rural environments created numerous professional journals and sent their scientific papers to the scientific journals at the time. The Teruel surgeon, Joaquín Guitarte was one of the most prominent.
Centro de Estudios del Jiloca
Referencia bibliográfica
Xiloca, nº 50, p. 139-163
Cobertura espacial
Jaime Lorén, José María, “Joaquín Guitarte: Cirujano y escritor decimonónico de la comarca del Jiloca,” El Baúl de la Memoria del Jiloca, consulta 14 de octubre de 2024,