El médico Mariano Perea, los ribereños e Ildefonso Manuel Gil en la cárcel del Seminario
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El médico Mariano Perea, los ribereños e Ildefonso Manuel Gil en la cárcel del Seminario
Latorre Villalba, Miguel Angel
RESUMEN. Desde el día 22 de julio, fecha en que triunfa el levantamiento militar en la zona, se produjo una cruenta represión en los pueblos de la comarca del Jiloca, que se centró, sobre todo, en los pueblos con ayuntamiento de izquierdas o que fueran centro neurálgico de clase obrera. Esta represión se cebó, principalmente, sobre equipos de gobierno de ayuntamientos, dirigentes de partidos políticos y sindicatos, representantes de los trabajadores del Ferrocarril Central de Aragón, y personas a las que se suponía una destacada afinidad política con las izquierdas. Los principales dirigentes fueron fusilados o trasladados a la cárcel del Seminario, este es el casodel doctor Mariano Perea, ideólogo de Izquierda Republicana en Monreal. La vida de los presos es narrada por Ildefonso Manuel Gil, compañero de prisión, en su obra “Concierto al atardecer”.
ABSTRACT Since July 22nd, date of the triumph of the military uprising in the zone, a bloody represion was produced in the villages of Jiloca region, that was focused, mostly, in the villages with left-wing councils or that were the neuralgic center of working class. That repression was primed, mainly, over municipal government teams, leaders of political parties and unions, representing workers of the Central Railway of Aragón, and people that was supposed an outstanding affinity with the left. The main leaders were shot or transferred to the Seminar prison, like the Dr Mariano Perea, Republican Left ideologist in Monreal. The life of the prisoners is narrated by Ildefonso Manuel Gil, a prison partner in his work “Concierto al atardecer”
ABSTRACT Since July 22nd, date of the triumph of the military uprising in the zone, a bloody represion was produced in the villages of Jiloca region, that was focused, mostly, in the villages with left-wing councils or that were the neuralgic center of working class. That repression was primed, mainly, over municipal government teams, leaders of political parties and unions, representing workers of the Central Railway of Aragón, and people that was supposed an outstanding affinity with the left. The main leaders were shot or transferred to the Seminar prison, like the Dr Mariano Perea, Republican Left ideologist in Monreal. The life of the prisoners is narrated by Ildefonso Manuel Gil, a prison partner in his work “Concierto al atardecer”
Centro de Estudios del Jiloca
Cobertura espacial
Jiloca (valle)
Cobertura espacial
Latorre Villalba, Miguel Angel, “El médico Mariano Perea, los ribereños e Ildefonso Manuel Gil en la cárcel del Seminario,” El Baúl de la Memoria del Jiloca, consulta 14 de octubre de 2024, http://elbauldelamemoria.org/items/show/3417.